JuJitsu New Zealand is the non-sporting branch of the New Zealand Jujitsu Federation. The goal of the Camp and Seminar Series each year is to foster communication and camaraderie between Martial Artists from a variety of different schools and locations and in doing so improve the Art as a whole.
This year the event will be in Auckland, and you are invited. Any member of any Martial Arts style is welcome provided they comply with the NZJJF code of conduct and any other reasonable requests from the organisers or instructors during the day.
The camp will consist of 6 Seminars over 2 days with a variety of instructors. Featured instructors this year are:
Dunken Francis, 4th dan, Institute of Aikido
Dave Beaver – Tactical Krav Maga
Steve Oliver – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Plus others to be announced.
You can go to as many Seminars as you want, but registration is for a minimum of 2 seminars. The best value is the full package which includes accomodation, 6 seminars, breakfast and lunch on Saturday and breakfast Sunday.
On this site you will find information as it becomes available. Check the Camp News regularly for details. For more information contact Ben on 021473228 or email camp@jiujitsu.co.nz